Monday, May 10, 2010


That's pretty much all my feelings about this book.

A translation:
MMGRRAARGHGRARGH= Oh my gosh this book is so so wonderful I cannot stop reading it it is wonderful and beautiful and wonderful.

But then again, when do I read a book and not like it? It's been a while since that's happened.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Your Daily Dose of Chinty

There you go.


I'm going through a new phase: sewing. It's what I've come up with to find something to do. Since it's nearing the end of the year, our teachers are running out of ideas for projects, so we just kind of dawdle around in class, which is fine with me. Anyway.

I don't know if you can call it a phase, actually, since that's all I've made so far.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I've Been Busy (Not Really)

I finished this book recently and decided it would be good to put down my thoughts about it, since it's been talked about a lot.

The book is about two twins, Josh and Sophie Newman, who discover that the bookseller that Josh works for is actually the immortal Nicholas Flamel. Flamel and his wife, Perenelle, are the guardians of the Book of Abraham, which is a collection of magical spells, prophecies, and various other things. When the evil Dr. John Dee finds Flamel, he attacks and steals the book. Josh and Sophie help Flamel in recovering it, but are soon hunted by Dee as well.

I thought the book was a little boring, especially in the beginning. The characters don't really have strong personalities, so it's kind of hard to connect with them. (Listen to me, acting like I actually know stuff.) The story is interesting though, once you get about halfway through the book.

Apparently it's being turned into a movie, so we'll see how that goes.

This is the most recent book in my new favorite series. It's the sixth book, and there are still more to come. This one only just came out on March 10, I think. I'm not sure on that date. Maybe it was the ninth. I read this entire book in about four hours. Anyway, this entire series is amazing. I was a little skeptical about it at first, but now I can't wait till the next one comes out! Hurry up, James Patterson! It's been over a month since this one came!


They're making a movie for this series as well. I think it comes out 2013, so there's still a wait. It's rumored that the director for the Twilight movies is going to direct it, and Kristen Stewart and what's-his-face-Pattinson are going to play the two main characters. Kristen I have no problem with, but that stupid vampire guy? Nononononononononono! Robert playing Fang could quite possibly be the worst thing that could happen.

Ahem. Continuing. So now I'm going to start reading The Magician, which is the second Nicholas Flamel book.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Change In Thought

Remember earlier, when I talked about The Angel Experiment? Yeah, and I said I wasn't sure whether I like it or not. Well, after finishing the fifth book, I've reached a verdict: I am in love with them(not too surprising, considering the amount of books that I am in love with). The sixth one came out recently, and I've put it on hold at my school library for now. So.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010